My home's a movie star!

My home is a movie star

We've always believed Balconette customers have an eye for quality and aesthetics. Now here's a chance to show the world what you've done to your home. 

We want you to send us video clips of your Balconette balconies, with a £1000 cash prize for the best, and smaller prizes of £100 for any video content we use.

You don't need a Hollywood production company to take part. All we want is video clips - from your digital camera, phone or digital camcorder.

We plan to feature the best clips in our new online promotion, with professional editing and touching up.


There are two prizes: £1000 for the best all-round video clip, and £500 for the best balcony view.

Even if you don't win one of these prizes, we will reward all entries that are used in our online promotions with £100 cash prize.

You can submit single clips, or a collection. For example, we'd like to see clips from both inside and outside.

The suggested video length per clip is between two and 5 minutes. 

What to film?

We'd love to have you - or a friend or family member - in the video, talking about:

  • What you like about about the product and how it enhances your space or life
  • How long you have had the product
  • ​Why you chose Balconette specifically, if you would recommend Balconette and if so why

Once you have your video clips, you can upload them at our competition web page: 

Video Competition Web Page

Important notes/tips:

  • Please send all videos in the highest resolution you are able to upload
  • Best to record your voice inside and away from any wind/noise
  • Have fun, and enjoy your balcony or space!

My home is a movie star - take1

Click the picture to enter the competition....


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