Balconette Supply and Installation Terms

We have put together a few important points that form the basis of our terms, assumptions and requirements when quoting for installation. These are not meant to be exhaustive but should make clear areas of responsibility.

Please review these and if there are elements that require additional coordination at this point, please advise us so we can plan, or advise extra costs accordingly.

Programme coordination, drawings, sizes, sign offs, details and other trades

At the outset of the project it is a requirement to know when the project needs to be completed. Based on this we will work the program back and know when we need to commence manufacture and or have goods available by.

We will not accept responsibility for any delays caused to your programme of works if we have ‘in turn’ been delayed by other trades.

We will issue drawings for approval, which we require you to sign/approve prior to any manufacture commencing. The quoted lead time will not commence until we have received the final approved drawings.

It is important to note that any delay at this stage may potentially be the cause of delays at a later stage. 

Where the drawings are based on our surveys the final dimensions are our responsibility but the drawings still need to be approved by you. You will be approving and accepting all the details on the drawing (by this we mean for example: post positions, Handrail and metalwork finishes, glass sizes and colours, fixing details etc.). 

In circumstances where site dimensions are not available, or other constraints dictate that manufacture must commence and be based on approved dimensions, by signing the drawings you are responsible to ensure that these dimensions are adhered to on site. Variations, or errors in keeping to these dimensions may require modifications, remaking, or reordering of parts. In some cases this could affect the entire order. In all cases, any additional costs will be charged to the customer. 

We would ask that drawings once issued are signed off, approved or commented upon in a timely manner, so as not to delay the project. It is your responsibility to make our Technical Department aware of any special instructions, or site specific processes that need to be followed.

Attendance and booking

Projects are priced on a continuous installation program of the entire project. Each project is assigned a fixed number of visits and deliveries to site, once a date of attendance has been agreed, we will block book our installation team for an agreed number of days on site. 

If you wish to break the project down into phases, this needs to be coordinated carefully, and we must ensure that visits to site, deliveries and installation work is allocated on an economical basis.

Work days are defined as normal working days Monday to Friday and exclude weekends and public holidays.

A minimum period of two week’s notice is required to book attendance to site. We will endeavour to meet any request, subject to the availability of our installation teams.

Access, plant and edge protection

It is assumed that there is hard road lorry access up to the site/offloading point and that the offloading point is no more than 20m (direct and unhindered path) from the building. No allowance has been made for cranes or other special plant or labour from offloading point to point of installation. 

Our price for installation of balustrades is based on free, unhindered and safe uninterrupted access/egress to all areas of installation from the inside and that suitable and sufficient edge protection, such as scaffolding is installed and supplied by the customer. It is assumed this edge protection will remain in place for the duration of the works.

Our price for installation of Juliet balconies is based on a suitable platform with edge protection/PASMA access tower that will be supplied and installed by the customer. The platform/tower must be ready and available to allow access to all areas that require installation and be suitable for the required number of users to be able to complete the installation. Access must be possible for materials either via the scaffolding or through the building and onto the platform.

Working harnessed, with partial or without edge protection, must be assessed on a case by case basis if feasible or not and will incur extra time and costs. Working off cherry pickers, mobile platforms or similar machines will also incur extra time and costs.

Movement of materials

In principle and for ease of explanation, the customer is responsible for mechanical means of offloading and vertical movement of goods, Balconette is responsible for horizontal movement of goods.

If the site has more than a single floor we expect site to have an internal lift, hoist, crane or other mechanical aids to enable lifting glass and other materials to the floor/s required. We will, if required, labour materials that can be manhandled (25-30kg) through the building and up a single floor. 

If labour is required to distribute materials that are heavier, or over a long distance or more than a single floor and no mechanical aids are available then extra labour or mechanical equipment will need to be sourced at the expense of the customer. It is assumed that we will be given free use of all onsite facilities including internal lifts, hoists, cranes, forklifts and/or any other plant to assist with offloading and logistics in and on the site.

Site readiness and cancellation

When we arrive to install, the site must be ready. Flooring/decking must be finished, walls in place and any works by others that we interface with, or fix to must be in place. On occasions we may request digital photos in advance to confirm individual details, or to confirm that the areas are ready for us to install. 

Delays in providing this information may lead to re-scheduling. 

A minimum period of one week’s notice is required from the customer to cancel pre-arranged attendance to site.

Site must be ready for us when we arrive, things agreed to be finished must be finished and installed. Edge protection, access and unhindered ability to work needs to exist. Please note that if on attendance to site we are unable to economically commence works, through no fault of our own, or problems are discovered with site that are outside of our responsibility, you will be charged for this day as per our schedule of day rates. Furthermore if we are unable to re-allocate the installation team, you will be charged for the entire week. These charges will be on top of and in addition to the agreed contract price.

First install (structural steel posts or tracks)

If the installation requires structural steel posts or tracks that are to be finished below the ‘finished floor level’, then these need to be installed prior to the completion of the finished floor surface. In these cases, we will require access to install these at an agreed date. It is important to note that any structural details that the balustrade will be connected to, or abutted to, are completed at this point

Any roof opening and weather proofing is the customer’s responsibility.

Once installed the customer must ensure that these structural posts or tracks are not moved or damaged.

Steelwork and building structure

Balconette design and install its systems under the assumption that the supporting structure is suitable to carry the loads imposed by the systems. This means that it is the customers’ responsibility directly, or through their engineers to ensure that all supporting structure has been checked and verified as such.

Steelwork must be properly designed and checked that any beams are adequately restrained against a torsional moment and that that no significant rotation/deflection of the beams can occur as a result of the system installed or loads applied.

Completion, sign off, protection and damage

We require each individual balcony/balustrade/Juliette to be ‘signed off’ after completion and inspection. 

If on inspection any damage or comment is made this must be noted on the sign off sheet and it is understood that except for these comments or notes the rest is accepted and signed off.

If we are unable to get “sign off” our site supervisor will sign these off and a copy will be emailed to you. We will not accept any notice of damage after this point, this is why it is essential that the customer must ensure that there is a person or supervisor empowered to sign off the works as they are completed.

Due to the busy nature of construction sites, we would recommend covering and protecting the final product after installation. We cannot take responsibility for any potential damage that may occur after ‘sign off’. 

Site storage

If onsite storage has been agreed, this should be made available from the inset of the installation.

Site storage should be safe, accessible and able to be made secure.

Rubbish and packaging

Our operatives will clear any rubbish or packaging of the goods we have supplied and will place these in an on-site rubbish bin, skip or other provided by the customer.

Structural Calculations, standard connections and parts

The installation cost assumes use of our standard system, posts, connections and brackets etc. Deviation and changes from our standard proprietary system details may cause additional costs, time, and may require site specific calculation costs.

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