‘Before and After’ – Aerofoil Glass Balustrade Included in Home Renovation

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Hugh and Julie Whitehead - Hampshire

Our balcony is perfect for watching the sunset

Extending what was originally a 1950s bungalow to include an external balcony supplied by Balconette has created a light-filled home and opened up parkland views for Hugh and Julie Whitehead.

Refurbishment of the west-facing Hampshire property has expanded the first-floor landing, with space for a dining table from where they can take in ‘great views in all directions’ towards the South Downs National Park.

House Before RenovationHampshire house before renovation

“If the weather’s good enough, we can open the sliding door and go out onto the balcony. It’s perfect for watching the sunset,” says Hugh, who is experienced in DIY and self-installed the balcony with help from his handyman. “The installation went very well, and the accuracy of the components was millimetre-perfect.”

While obtaining planning permission for the balcony was not easy due to the property’s national park location, Hugh believes that the ‘minimalist’ design of Balconette’s balustrading system was a key factor in consent being granted.

After Renovation - Aerofoil Royal Chrome AnodisedAfter renovation – with Aerofoil Glass balustrade

He continues: “Three sets of planning permissions were required - from the local and county councils as well as the park authority, which all have different sets of criteria. What really helped in gaining consent, I think, is that the balcony design is simple, has minimal impact and looks very good.

“That was also why we chose the Balconette balcony; it is a very minimal and good-looking piece of architecture.”

Aerofoil Glass Balustrade view from inside

Due to the balcony’s size and shape, no supporting posts were required. The Aerofoil handrail was powder coated in a slate grey finish to match the new windows. “That made a big difference and we’re very glad we did that. The balcony looks fantastic and it’s attracted many positive comments, including praise from passing walking groups and horse riders,” adds Hugh.

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