Side Mounted - Milano Vertical Railings System (Metal Railings)

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Metal railings

Metal railings have become a popular option, especially when glass balustrades are not the preferred option. One of the important things with metal railings is to ensure that the gap between the vertical posts does not exceed 100mm, even under loading.

Also choosing a metal that does not corrode, such as alumnium with powder-coating (paint) or anodising, will ensure it is durable in harsh conditions, and will save years of maintenance and repainting.

Milano vertical metal railing- Side Mounted System

The Balconette Milano Vertical Railings System can be side fixed to a wall, either externally or internally.

Milano side mounted general detail

Picture above: Milano Side mounted - general arrangement

Milano - post sections - side mounted for web

Picture above: Milano Side mounted - Posts

Milano - enlarged base plate detail for post sections - side mounted for web

Picture above: Milano Side mounted - Base plate detail for posts

Milano - side mounted Posts details and distances

Picture above: Milano Side mounted posts sizes and distances



​Please note: the Milano vertical railings system is subject to a minimum order quantity of 30 metres.

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