The Difference between Balconette’s Circular and Aerofoil Handrails

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The Difference between Balconette’s Orbit and Aerofoil Handrails

When choosing a Balconette product, you have the choice of three railing options. No handrail, an Orbit handrail or an Aerofoil handrail.

Both handrail options have commonalities. They give you a sense of security and something to hold onto. This is especially important for balconies which are likely to be used by children, the elderly or people with physical limitations.

Both handrails are made to the same high standard, and are available in a choice of four finishes to suit your requirements.

But why choose one above the other? Here’s a simple-to-view side by side comparison so you can easily understand the differences and similarities between both handrail types.



Orbit Handrail

Aerofoil Handrail
Maximum span without need for a post 3.3 metres 4 metres
Maximum distance between posts (if required) 1.9 metres 2.1 metres
Handrail dimensions 70mm diameter 116mm width, 51mm high
External Post dimensions 55mm diameter 66mm diameter
Base plate dimensions

150mm x 150mm   

170mm x 150mm

Circular Handrail

Maximum span without need for a post
3.3 metres

Maximum distance between posts (if required)
1.9 metres

Handrail dimensions
70mm diameter

External Post dimensions
55mm diameter

Base plate dimensions
120mm x 80mm
120mm x 120mm

Aerofoil Handrail

Maximum span without need for a post
4 metres

Maximum distance between posts (if required)
2.1 metres

Handrail dimensions
116mm width, 51mm high

External Post dimensions
66mm diameter

Base plate dimensions
140mm x 120mm


Orbit Handrail

The Orbit Handrail is smaller and makes less of a statement than the Aerofoil Handrail. The classic appearance of the Orbit Handrail makes it the perfect choice for a balcony where a more traditional appearance is needed, or where other architectural or design features take prominence.

Holding onto the Orbit handrail feels pleasingly natural; its shape acts as a reassuring bar to hold onto – ideal for higher placed balconies where people may feel a little wary of heights. The rounded shape is less tempting for children and cats to climb on – and so is a good choice where safety of those with limited judgement is crucial.

Glass Balustrade Circular handrail

Aerofoil Handrail

The Aerofoil Handrail is wider and provides a flatter surface on which to lean or hold onto. The solid appearance makes a statement and can contribute towards the design of a building. The larger span between posts is an important consideration for some building designs; depending on the scale of your build, you can eliminate the need for posts entirely, or substantially reduce the quantity of posts required. This means less work for the person fitting the balcony, and a more open view for anyone using the balcony.

The flatter, more shelf-like appearance of the Aerofoil Handrail makes it perfect for leaning upon while admiring a beautiful view. From a practical perspective, the broader dimensions of the handrail mean the glass beneath is better protected from rain and pollution; you can enjoy your beautiful view for longer without cleaning.

Glass Balustrade aerofoil handrail

Both handrails are high quality, easy to fit and have made lots of customers very happy. Take a look at how other customers have used the Orbit and Aerofoil handrails.

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