Curved Glass Balustrade

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Glass balustrade adds finishing touch to ‘one-in-a-million’ location

When you live in such an idyllic setting like this on the Isle of Wight, a glass balustrade supplied by Balconette is perfect for adding the finishing touch to a property renovation.

Ian and Jenny Whitmarsh decided on glass to keep the light and south-facing views over fields to the sea beyond at their home near Newport.

Curved Glass Balustrade

“It is a one-in-a-million location, quite amazing really; that’s why we wanted the clean, clear look of glass,” says Ian, who installed the 23 metres of balustrading himself. “I was a bit concerned at first that the curved sections could be tricky, but the instructions were straightforward and it all went together really well!”

Curved Glass BalustradeHe chose the Balconette Orbit system after finding that the company was the only one that could supply a curved handrail, explaining: “All the other types I enquired about used straight sections to create the curve, which was not what I wanted. Balconette helped with the technical aspects, mainly making sure we’d got the curve measurements all correct.”

Refurbishment of the 1960’s bungalow kept the building’s original footprint. “It was well built by local builders with an open-plan layout, so quite modern for its time,” continues Ian, who added a new roof and extensive outdoor decking. “The balustrading was the final ‘piece of the jigsaw’ and the quality of the product impressed me.”

Curved Glass Balustrade

Having completed the balustrade in April 2018, the couple are now looking forward to enjoying the sunshine and views from the wraparound terrace.

Ian adds: “The balustrade really does finish off the project; I can’t imagine what else would look as nice all round that big area!”

Curved Glass Balustrade

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