Royal Chrome Stainless Steel Balustrades

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Best of both worlds

Here at Balcony systems we offer a finish like no other. We call it Royal Chrome.

This proprietary finish gives the best of both worlds; a sleek smooth finish like stainless steel with no need for polishing or regular special cleaning to keep it from tarnishing.

The development of this special finish has been driven from customer needs and clients requests to have the advantages of the maintenance free Balcony Glass Balustrade System and the still have the smart look of stainless steel. 

royal chrome glass balcony

Breakthrough in technology

The Royal Chrome finish is a true breakthrough in technology.

  • Advances in anodising capabilities and techniques
  • Advanced dies that produce super smooth surfaces of the handrail extrusions
  • A proprietary primary treatment

All these have enabled this surface finish to not only exist but also made economical.

glass balustrades

Is Stainless Steel not enough?

Well let’s start off with a bit of information.

If we forgo for a moment the fact the stainless steel is very expensive as a material, there are technical factors as well.

Stainless steel is a very general term for type of metal that does not rust. In reality lower grade stainless steel (304 grade) will mark within days of exposure to the elements and is not recommended for use in coastal areas and high grade also known as marine grade (316) will also mark unless highly polished.

But the real weakness in the use of stainless steel on external handrails and balconies are the joints, welds and connections, these are the areas that will mark first. The professionalism of the fabricator and correct use of correct materials for the welds, joints and polishing thereof are critical to the longevity of the product.

Those who know how to do this properly and use the correct grade of materials will achieve a good result but this is the high cost end of the stainless steel market.

royal chrome balcony system

Anodised Aluminium is all around you

anodised aluminium

If you look around you today at all new buildings and facades you will see that the number one material being used is Anodised Aluminium; Curtain walls, cladding, doors, windows, balconies and fascias are all being specified to be made with Anodised aluminium. Why is this?

Aluminium oxide is one of the hardest materials on earth. And Aluminium Anodising is a controlled process for creating a sealed film of this hard substance on the surface of aluminium extrusions and parts.

Anodising is an electrolytic process for producing controlled aluminium oxide films on aluminium.

The anodizing process produces a coating which is uniform, much harder, and denser than natural oxidation. It is formed by converting the surface of the part both with a penetration and a build-up of aluminium oxide. Unlike paint, which can flake off if not applied properly, anodised finishes are actually formed from the original material and cannot flake off.

The aluminium oxide finish is very hard and exceptionally wear resistant.

How long will it last?

It is an accepted figure in the industry that an anodised surface in a marine environment will deplete at a level of one micron every 3-4 years.

The Royal Chrome finish is 15-20 microns thick (minimum film thickness of 15 microns) so that gives between 45 to 80 years before you reach the bare surface of the profile.

How much does it cost?

The Royal Chrome finish gives you the best of both worlds, the look of stainless steel without the associated problems and the longevity, durability and consistency of anodised aluminium. The product is virtually maintenance free.

In terms of cost it is most economical costing circa £20 more per metre of balustrade over the natural silver anodised finish.

To get a cost estimate on the difference use our online glass balustrade shop and check out the differences.

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